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TVXQ!(東方神起) _ 이것만은 알고 가(Before U Go) _ MusicVideo_Dance version

TVXQ!(東方神起) _ 이것만은 알고 가(Before U Go) _ MusicVideo_Dance version

♬ TVXQ! Before U Go ℗ SMEntertainment ♪ Download on iTunes = itunes.apple.com ☞ For more Information : tvxq.smtown.com ▷ Introduction TVXQ! following up with the new song 'Before U Go' in the repack album on March 16th after sweeping Asian charts with 'Keep Your Head Down' Authentic R&B Song 'Before U Go' for More Charms of TVXQ! The title song of the repack album, 'Before U Go' is an authentic R&B song, brings great attention to the voices of U-KNOW and Max through the concise arrangement. Interestingly in this song, the vocal melody not only serves as the melody but also shifts the rhythm that it presents eccentric mood through the variation of the rhythm going to 8 beat and also to 32 beat along with the melody. The lyric emotionally expresses the desperation of a man who decides to leave his lover for he loves her feels desperate when he wishes her to be happy and wants her not to forget the one thing that he truly loved her, perfectly matching the mood of the song. Unlike powerful performances and fast tempo songs with strong beats that TVXQ! has presented, this song is an authentic R&B and the performance that they will put on the stage in the touchy mood of the song will perfectly give off the new charms of TVXQ!. ▷ Title Song : 이것만은 알고 가(Before U Go) Lyrics by Young-Jin Yoo Composed by Han-Jin Yoo, Young-Jin Yoo Arranged by Han-Jin Yoo ▷ Album : '이것만은 알고 가(Before U Go)' TVXQ! 왜 (Keep Your Head Down) Repackage ▷ Artist : TVXQ! 동방신기 ▷ More ...
と、となりのお兄さん!!! 電話しながら、東方神起のwhy借りとってーーー。って。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 いいですよ! 貸してあげますよ!←

RT @jjtommyjj: 東方神起のファンの皆さん、気付かれましたか?「♪会いたくて会えない夜 想いを空に広げて―」のパートをユノが熱唱しましたところ、チャンミンの右隣にいらっしゃいましたゴスペラーズ氏のお一人様が、何度も頷きながら人差し指をユノに向かって指し、「うまいっ」と言っております。#FNS歌謡祭

RT @henhyan9095: RT @TVXQ_meigen:『感心よりは感動、歌唱よりは感性、最高よりは最善、初心失わないグループになります。』(東方神起)     #TVXQ #maxim #meigen

RT @acm_tv2xq: 【拡散希望】東方神起TONEツアー3/14大坂公演2枚と 3/13大坂公演2枚or福井公演2枚を交換してくださる方探してます(T_T)交換してもらう予定だった人と連絡がとれなくなりました。ビキ先行枠でペンラ付きです!!よろしくお願いします><

【自己紹介】東方神起、だ〜いすき♥ ゆんじぇ萌えなゆちょぺんで、最近ゆのに浮気中のオールぺんです(=^ェ^=)♪ 85line、こちらはタメ口おっげー!!トンペンさんには100%フォロバします!相互フォロー希望なので、フォローしてくれた方は@ください♥♥ 《ぶちょん姉妹会2号》

@TOWER_Shibuya ぜひ、東方神起とJYJの情報お願いします(*^^*)← followさせていただきますp(^o^)q

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