Belgium - "With Love Baby" - Eurovision Song Contest 2011 - BBC One
More on this programme: Witloof Bay sing "With Love Baby" as Belgium's entry for the 2011 Eurovision Song Contest. The contest comes from the Esprit Arena in Dusseldorf, Germany.
津川雅彦、山本太郎に役者が 政治的発言するのは自業自得だね
俳優・津川雅彦が「たかじんのそこまで言って委員会」(日曜後1・30)の新レギュラーとして15日から登場することになった。 関西の辛口討論番組としてその名を知られる読売テレビ系の番組で13日、大阪市内の同局で収録に参加。 津川雅彦は、同番組で反原発活動に力を入れる俳優・山本太郎に対し、「役者が政治的発言をするというのは、やっちゃあいかんことだよ。特に若いうちはね。」と助言。 反原発発言がきっかけで、自ら所属事務所をやめるなど役者生命の危機にある山本太郎に「同情申し上げる。(でも)自業自得だね」と津川雅彦本人が話した。
2011年8月25 日(木)に富士スピードウェイで開催された「GAZOO Racing ワクドキサーキットを走ろう」のゲストドライバー平手晃平選手が、元レースクイーンの今井優杏に、富士スピードウェイでのサーキット走行のコツを直接伝授。ワクドキ史上初のウェットコンディションの中、ドライビングテクニックに加え、富士スピードウェイのコースの特徴をポイントごとに詳しくご紹介します。
Speed Painting - Dog in Pastels - Golden Retriever
A time lapse film of my painting of Barney, a lovely golden retriever. I made it using pastels and pastel pencils on sanded paper (Fisher 400). This was a commission for Barney's family, and the painting is about 14x10". I hope you enjoy watching. To answer the FAQs that I usually get: This painting took about 12 hours work in total. I took my own photos of Barney to use as references. I don't use water or any fluids. The background and some of the underpainting is done using hard pastel sticks. The 'brush' looking thing I use on it at the start is a silicon 'colour shaper' tool: it blends the colours. Most of the work is done with pastel pencils. I use many brands of pastels as they all come in different colours. Mostly I use Faber Castell & Schwann CarbOthello. I used to use Derwent, but have had quality issues so I've stopped using them and cannot recommend them. The stick you can see some of the time is a Mahl stick, as used by signwriters. It's just to lean my hand on without smudging the work. I do sell my work and take portrait commissions in the UK (it's my living, so please don't ask for freebies!), more about that on my website for anyone interested. I don't do any teaching or tuition, I just make these videos from time to time because people seem to enjoy watching the process. Hope you do too... happy viewing!