岡島vs.栗山、そして細川の配球は? 4月7日 西武-ソフトバンク
岡島と栗山の対決。その前にマウンドに歩み寄って岡島にささやく細川。このカード、この二人の対決、これから繰り返されるであろう場面で、勝負の結末はどうなる? (4月7日 西武-ソフトバンク戦)

「地球はまわる」 夏休みふれあいコンサート 2012.8.19
「朗読と合唱による夏休みふれあいコンサート」 朗読の会「みらい塾」 つくばみらい少年少女合唱団竜ヶ崎少年少女合唱団2012年8月19日 つくばみらい市 谷井田コミュニティーセンター第一部 (少年少女合唱団) 1.地球はまわる(作詞・作曲 ruriko) 指揮:銅谷恵利子ピアノ:清水直子(竜ヶ崎少年少女合唱団)

Japan "YONIGE" ultimate thrilling emergency evacuation.夜逃げ屋本舗
Delivered reliably even matter what Protect the safety of the requester !! "YONIGE" ultimate moving Do not become book and film adaptation in your country? NO1 specialists in Japan and moving of the publisher. sho hatori will be full cooperation Own Yonige Japan is just super thrilling story, "Ultimate emergency evacuation!" "Yonige" is the hero to save the weak! Cooperation and advice to filmmakers Advise and cooperate on TV Cooperation advise interview magazines and newspapers Japan "YONIGEYA" ultimate thrilling emergency evacuation. Excitement in the story! interesting book If you are looking for an original movie people. There is a book of the best in Japan. "Yonigeya" The title of the book sho hatori (Author) interesting book Let's visualize Movie cooperate sports.geocities.jp It is the first in Japan. yonige 200-year tradition NO1 moving technique Its name hero of Japan will be Sho Hatori Escape from the bad guys Shelter from the bad guys Hide from the bad guys 200-year tradition that continues Moving secret yonigeta In your country try to create a movie In this story make a movie your country try to create a book In this story make a book flee in secret The story of surprise Interesting story A thrilling story Do you know a flit? "Japan yonigeya" Secret move Will be translated and published Would you like into movie in your country yonige Our book in foreign countries Will you make to publication or the movie and it cooperates. Will you publish it Excitement in the ...