Curiosity Rover Report (Aug. 24, 2012)
Flex, Zap, Roll: NASA's Curiosity Mars rover performs a series of firsts this week -- flexing its arm, laser-zapping a rock and rolling on its wheels. See the rover's landing site, named for author Ray Bradbury on the day that would have been his 92nd birthday. Curiosity status reports: www.jpl.nasa.gov/msl

Syphon Filter 2: (HD) Walkthrough Mission 15 "Siberia, Russian Republic: Aljir Prison!"
Syphon Filter 2 720p HD no damage clear video game play. Part 1 of 1. Syphon Filter 2/サイフォン・フィルター2 (Mission) Siberia, Russian Republic: Aljir Prison (Playlist) www.youtube.com