さようなら原発 国民大集会in
7月16日に開催された、さようなら原発・国民大集会のようす。 鎌田慧さん、坂本龍一さん、瀬戸内寂聴さんなど、著名な呼びかけ人が、原発再稼働ノー、原発ゼロの社会をめざして発言。参加者は17万人。首都の空に「原発やめろ、再稼働反対」のこえがこだました。

The original are interpreted by the composer Shoukichi Kina (喜納昌吉), but another known interpreter is the also okinawan Rimi Natsukawa (夏川りみ) The lyrics of the chorus in Japanese go like this: "Nakinasai, warainasai Itsu no hi ka, itsu no hi ka, Hana wo sakasoo yoo" A rough translation is: "Cry when you need to cry, laugh when you need to laugh,One day, yes one day, the flower will come to full bloom."

PHP and MYSQL - Connecting to a Database and Adding Data
Whats coverd: -What is MYSQL -phpmyadmin -getting data from a database with php -displaying that data on a page -insert data using a form --source code comming soon!

De Anza College Auto Tech
A short video about the De Anza College Auto Technology Program, that will go up on the De Anza College website (campus Virtual Tour)-www.deanza.edu And for more information about the Auto Tech program please visit - www.deanza.edu -shot with Sony HVR S270/S270N (HD 1080p)