タイトルの通りです! 色んなサイトに行ったり、 wikipediaで裏側がありそうな単語を検索しまくってみたり、 雑学に飢えた哀れな少年のまあまともだと思われる雑学を厳選!!!

【C'est la V】 VanNess 吳建豪featuring Bruno Mars - 【Knockin】
【Knockin - VanNess Wu featuring Bruno Mars】 OC/OA: Bruno Mars/Justin Michael Everyday you complain, you say men all the same. You give your heart, up to them, but they give you pain. Telling me, they're so mean, it's the same old story I try to tell you, girl what more, but you just ignore me. You wish they would just listen like me You wish they would respect you like me But there's something that you can't see The man that'll treat you good, is standing right in front of you Tell me what you waiting for When my hearts been knocking on your door Knocking on your door, knocking, knocking Can't take this anymore, You let these strangers walk in, and forget about your friend Who's outside knocking on your door~ your door~ your door~ I'm outside knocking on your door~ your door~ your door~ I'm ouside knocking~ Can't take no more, it's killing me, won't play no more games I want to be, more than friends, but you feel the same Don't waste no time, with these guys, they don't treat you right Let me be the one, to show you what, true love is like. You wish they would just listen like me You wish they would respect you like me But there's something that you can't see The man that'll treat you good, is standing right in front of you Tell me what you waiting for When my hearts been knocking on your door Knocking on your door, knocking, knocking Can't take this anymore, You let these strangers walk in, and forget about your friend Who's outside knocking on your door~ your door ...

国木田独歩百年忌記念フォーラム 2008.06.21
明治の自然主義文学のパイオニア、国木田独歩の生地・銚子で実施された没後100年忌 記念事業の一つ「百年忌記念フォーラム」(会場:銚子プラザホテル)の一こま。 銚子のとなり町・飯岡出身の詩人・高橋順子さんが独歩観を語る。 同事業の主催者は、国木田独歩没後百年忌記念事業実行委員会と国木田独歩の会。共催・ 銚子市観光協会、後援・銚子市教育委員会。 ほかの人のしゃべりは以下をご覧下さい。 video.google.com

Fergie- Glamorous w/ lyrics
Plz comment if u lyked da vid:) Are you ready? If you ain't got no money take your broke self home If you ain't got no money take your broke self home GLAMOROUS, yeah GLAMOROUS We flyin' first class up in the sky We flyin' first class, livin' the life In the fast lane and I won't change By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous By the glamorous, ooh the flossy, flossy Wear them gold and diamonds rings, all them things don't mean a thing Chaperons and limousines, shoppin' for expensive things I be on the movie screens, magazines and boogie scenes I'm not clean, I'm not pristine, I'm no queen, I'm no machine I still go to Taco Bell, drive through, raw, yeah I don't care, I'm still real, no matter how many records I?ll sell After the show, after the Grammy?s I like to go cool out with the family Sippin', reminiscing on days when I had a Mustang and now I'm First class up in the sky Flyin' first class, livin' my life In the fast lane and I won't change By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy The glamorous, the glamorous, glamorous By the glamorous, ooh, the flossy, flossy I got problems up to here, I got people in my ear Tellin' me these crazy things that I don't want to know I got money in the bank and I'd really like to thank All the fans, I'd like to thank, thank you ...