Minecraft Lets Build: Basic Rustic House Remake - VillageProof

Minecraft Lets Build: Basic Rustic House Remake - VillageProof

Minecraft Lets Build: Basic Rustic House Remake - Village-Proof Dear Crafters! A lot of you requested me to modify the basic rustic house so it became village-proof. This is the final outcome so now your villagers can enjoy a this small house using both floors. I really do hope you all enjoy and don´t forget to spam the like button if you do! Diamonds! Want to support Keralis? ● Donate: bit.ly ● Twitter: bit.ly ● Facebook: on.fb.me ● Website: www.keralis.net ● Lets Build Series bit.ly ● House Tutorials Series: bit.ly ---------- TexturePack ---------- As Default as it gets! -------- Music & Vocals ------- Intro Music was made by Heffay. www.youtube.com www.heffay.com http Vocals are from: beatsroyaltyfree.com Outro Music Kevin MacLeod incompetech.com -Keralis
RT @HEADLESSGANG: RT @HEADLESSGANG: B.I.B.L.E = B: Basic I: Instructions B: Before L: Leaving E: Earth #retweet if you love God ! Remember . . . He ...

RT @KayleighPaxtonx:Back to basic channels again can't even watch jersey shore tonight or the valleys!!!!

@Coco29l oohhh... alaa common la ELF.. basic ah tu ELF kalo minat korea.. ore dop.. hoho

People are reckless and basic.

If you don't subscribe to basic science, you have no business making laws.

That awkward moment when you display loud & proud that you are a military gf , but your boyfriend actually didn't complete basic ..

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