Why Was School Desegregation So Explosive? A Movie on Racism in the South
thefilmarchive.org Desegregation busing in the United States (also known as forced busing or simply busing) is the practice of assigning and transporting students to schools in such a manner as to redress prior racial segregation of schools, or to overcome the effects of residential segregation on local school demographics. In 1954, the US Supreme Court landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education made racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. The process of integrating public schools met fierce resistance in the South where segregation laws took hold after the American Civil War and the Reconstruction era of the United States. In Northern and Western states, de facto segregation was the customary practice. Due to patterns of residential segregation, a principal tool for racial integration was the use of busing. In the 1971 Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal courts had the discretion to include busing as a desegregation tool to achieve racial balance. While the Swann decision addressed de jure segregation in the South, it failed to address de facto segregation which persisted elsewhere in the country. In Georgia, Governor Jimmy Carter saw that Swann was "clearly a one-sided decision; the Court is still talking about the South, the North is still going free." In the 1974 Milliken v. Bradley decision, the US Supreme Court placed an important limitation on Swann when they ruled that students ...

岡崎市 不動産 中古マンション 竜美丘学校区 土地
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初音ミク under the cloak of kindness
DNA Bass Draggerを使った曲を作りたかったのでダサイロックを作りました。 動画は、よしながふみ先生の「きのう何食べた?」に感化されて黒みつミルクかんを作っているところです。 歌詞は米澤穂信先生の小市民シリーズに影響を受けています。