Mass Effect 3 - Shepard's Indoctrination
!!! SPOILER ALERT !!! Please read the FAQ below before posting a question! Please turn captions off / on via the [CC] symbol on the menu bar. UPDATE: Apparently Bioware hadn't intended the Indoctrination Theory all along. Although the IT with its many arguments makes perfectly sense (also within the lore), Bioware tells us that it is all merely coincidence... they want us to take the endings at face value. I think the new endings are very nice but should've been in the game right from the beginning! However, unfortunately Bioware showed us that we have to take the endings at face value, no profound mind struggle, no indoctrination attempt, everything happened as we have seen it. Bioware has missed the chance to write gaming history by delivering us one of the greatest mind blowing twists ever...but it was not to be. Fortunately everybody can choose his/her own personal ending... whether it is IT or not ;) Therefore we have our own imagination... Choose whatever pleases you and remember all the great moments in the entire trilogy ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Please forgive any spelling and grammatical errors ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Enjoy this new version of my video that shows you evidence of the Indoctrination Theory. The Mass Effect 3 ending was nothing more but an illusion induced by Harbinger to trick Shepard to give in to indoctrination and ...

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