2010年10月17日 日光スポ走 くーまん.さんに乗ってもらった
18インチ化で悩み&スランプ気味なので、くーまん.さんに乗ってもらいました。 やっぱりアンダーだったみたいですが流石のくーまん.さん、めちゃめちゃ巧いです!! 僕の後手後手操作とは違いますね!!! 勉強になります。

トマ美ちゃんの公式サイト ⇒ official-page.net 人気モデルも芸能人にも人気なとまみちゃんをついに買っちゃいました♪ GINGER、小悪魔アゲハ、女性セブンでも取り上げられるほど話題沸騰中みたい! 朝バナナダイエットよりも夜トマトダイエットでしょ! (ただ私は続かなかっただけですがw) しかもとまみちゃんは夜トマトダイエットを書いた飯野耀子さんとの共同開発商品みたい! トマト3個分のリコピンが1粒に凝縮されてるのもヤバイ!!! んでリコピンの吸収を助けてくれる金時ショウガ、大豆イソフラボン、キャンドルブッシュまでも! 35万個も売れてるなら絶対に効くはずw がんばります☆

[SoulAnime] Anime Meets Super Mario Bros. Episode 2 of 4 -Director's Cut-
Note # 01: Each "episode" is a separate amv and you don't have to watch them in any particular order since nothing continues from each episode.(Unless you count the urusei Yatsura scenes in episodes 3 and 4) Note # 02: The AMVs are just a tribute to Super Mario music and don't actually have the Mario Bros in the video as a crossover. I wanted to state this since some people get the wrong idea from the video's title. The Anime Meets Super Mario Bros. series is a 4 part amv series with the first 3 being an amv tribute to the super mario drum covers by Vadrum and the 4th one being an amv tribute to various DDR mixes of Super Mario. The first versions of the series was released in 2009 and after various changes and adjustments I now present the new 2012 Director's Cut and this time it truly is the FINAL update. Those who been on my old channel might have seen version 2.0 of this amv series but you better look again cause A LOT has changed since then. XD I know I originally said 2.0 was gonna be the final update to the series, but there was still quite a bit of things I wasn't satisfied with in those versions so I decided to release a new director's cut of them. All episodes of the series have updates but the most major ones are in episodes 3 and 4 (remix) To add more Mario fun to the amvs, various sound effects from the first 3 games and Mario 64 are in the video at random parts. I purposely only used a small amount of sounds in each episode since I want the main focus on the ...

MOUNTAIN MOCHA KILIMANJARO -(Ain't Got Nobody) Just A Rambling Man
2009/12/2発売のMOUNTAIN MOCHA KILIMANJARO『(Ain't Got Nobody) Just A Rambling Man』(PLP-6026)から「(Ain't Got Nobody) Just A Rambling Man」のPVです。 bls-act.co.jp