Tales of Wallbreaker- Kongman/Khang
Going by Graces this guy is still Bruiser Khang, but calling Kongman/Kong the Man/ZATRUCKYO Khang is like calling Indignation "Holy Wrath". The Champ's pretty fun to use. He always seems a bit slower when normally attacking and you really have to get up in the opponent's face, but it's da champion so there's no problems to be had since all of his moves work pretty well for any situation. Any damage taken was just Kongman giving the enemy a chance, fair play and all... Epitome of manliness in that last match. "Oresama CHAMPION" "Oresama YEAH"

Regina Spektor - "Samson" [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Regina Spektor "Samson" Directed by Peter Sluszka Regina's new album 'What We Saw from the Cheap Seats' is available now: smarturl.it For more Regina: Facebook.com ReginaSpektor.com http

水栓の水漏れ修理 コマパッキン(ケレップ)交換方法(水道蛇口)
水道蛇口(水栓)の水漏れ修理の方法です。チョロチョロと、水の流れが止まらない場合のコマパッキン(ケレップ)の交換方法です。 ウェブサイト jisyukanri.jp もご覧ください。

Randy Brecker_Olhos Puxados
『Olhos Puxados』 Album Title 「 Randy in Brasil 」(2006) 【Artist】 Randy Brecker(ランディ・ブレッカー)