過去にバレエ・ダンサーとして活躍していた先生と、その教え子。 教え子は才能を認められ、バレエの修行の為に新しい先生の所に行く事に。 バレエ・レッスン最後の日の物語。 出演小松倖歩・越田美穂演出平田 健録音林田和樹製作宝映テレビプロダクション音楽ショパン ワルツ第14番ホ短調KK.IVa-15,BI.56 Op.Posth Pディヌ・リパッティ1950年録音
The Original Human TETRIS Performance by Guillaume Reymond
www.notsonoisy.com TETRIS played by real human-beings sitting in an auditorium: TETRIS is the 4th video performance of the GAME OVER Project, directed by the Swiss artist Guillaume REYMOND (NOTsoNOISY creative agency). This stop-motion video was shot and played for "LES URBAINES" festival www.urbaines.ch at the Palais de Rumine (Lausanne, Switzerland) on November 24th 2007. You can find more information and also SPACE INVADERS, PONG and POLE POSITION on our website http