小田急海老名駅、本厚木駅 「いきものがかり」 接近メロディー

Socio-Political Activist, Fifth Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi: Arun Manilal Gandhi Interview
Arun Manilal Gandhi (born April 14, 1934) is the fifth grandson of Mohandas Gandhi through his second son Manilal. Following the footsteps of his grandfather, he is also a socio-political activist, although he eschews the ascetic lifestyle of his grandfather. In 1987, Arun Gandhi moved to the United States along with his wife, Sunanda, to work on a study at the University of Mississippi. This study examined and contrasted the sorts of prejudices that existed in India, the US, and South Africa. Afterward they moved to Memphis, Tennessee and founded the MK Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence hosted by the Christian Brothers University, a Catholic academic institution. This institute was dedicated to applying the principles of nonviolence at both local and global scales. In 1996, he cofounded the Season for Nonviolence as a yearly celebration of the philosophies and lives of Mahatma Gandhi and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In fall of 2007, Gandhi co-taught a course entitled "Gandhi on Personal Leadership and Nonviolence" at Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland. On November 12, 2007, Gandhi gave a lecture for the Salisbury University Center for Conflict Resolution's "One Person Can Make a Difference" Lecture Series, entitled "Nonviolence in the Age of Terrorism". In fall of 2008, Gandhi returned to Salisbury University to co-teach a course entitled "The Global Impact of Gandhi". In 2007, after the passing of his wife, the institute moved to Rochester, New York, and is ...

美人だけど男勝りで強いヒロイン・真紀恵と、17年ぶりに彼女に会い、恋に落ちてしまった草食男子・美晴の恋の行方を描いた『ラブコメ』。この映画が9月 25日に封切りとなり、新宿バルト9で、香里奈、北乃きい、田中圭、渡部篤郎、平川雄一朗監督を迎え初日舞台挨拶が行われた。 (つづきはこちら) www.moviecollection.jp

人口推算報告香港剩女飆升三個女人一個獨身2010年07月30日(蘋果日報頭條) 【本報訊】香港地,越來越多女人剩。政府統計處公佈往後30年人口推算結果,發現本港女多於男的差距將會擴大,未來每三名港女便有一個獨身。剩女飆升,估計現有剩女人口為數五萬。統計處長馮興宏相信,港女擇偶條件會有所調整。記者:蔡元貴、張嘉雯政府統計處發表《香港人口推算2010-2039》。報告顯示,香港每千名女性對男性的數目,將由2009年的889,顯著下跌至2039年的744。撇除女性外籍家庭傭工的因素, 2009年每千名女性有955男性,至2039年則為一千對804。 港男北上娶妻造成放大圖片12345678910 女多男少反映了港男北上娶妻的潮流,報告指出,本港男性出生率其實比女性為多,但持單程通行證到港定居的港人內地妻子眾多,推高了女性數量。 2009年,本港錄得51175宗婚姻,當中18145宗是港男娶北女的中港婚姻,還有4194宗港女嫁北男的個案。 內地女子源源不絕輸入香港,嚴重威脅了港女的嫁出機會。統計處資料顯示,近年未婚女性的比例在所有年齡組別都明顯增加。根據人口普查結果, 40至44歲年齡組別的女性人口中,未婚女性所佔百分比,由1986年的4%上升至2006年的16%。 剩女氾濫的趨勢預計將會持續,現時大約每八名女性就有一名在其育齡期( 15至49歲)完結時仍維持未婚。根據統計處推算,到了2039年,大約每三名女性會有一名獨身。 剩女現象由來已久,統計處長馮興宏說,早在80年代開始,港男北上娶妻成風,近年內地政府放寬自由行,也方便了內地女子來港結婚。北女供港衍生了港女嫁唔出的深層次社會矛盾,馮興宏說, 2006年,適婚而未婚的港女比港男多了兩、三萬人;至去年,差距已擴大至五萬。 換言之,全港已有大約五萬名剩女。馮興宏則說此現象「好正常」,並說香港女性也越來越多向外發展,尋求內地或海外的配偶。在昨日的 ...