Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert: Part I
Jarrett - "The Steinway of Genius!" *Note.. For those in query of any conflict between the slideshow images showcased here to that of the musical selection chosen: I apologize for any confusion but I couldn't find a host of photos taken from this particular event - Köln Concert Part II b dated back January 24, 1975. Consequently instead, I merely gathered a variety of relative images that I feel express the significance in royalty of widely acclaimed improvisationalist "Keith Jarrett", and the mark of excellence in that of "Steinway & Sons". One in and of the same!.. That said, I chose this inexplicably profound and renowned piece as acknowledgement to the latters ever presence! Thanks for comments!

hunter X hunter Killua vs Jones (HQ)
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中堀・高川vs.林田・巽 2【ソフトテニス】NAKAHORI / TAKAGAWA vs. HAYASHIDA / TATSUMI
www.soft-tennis.org NAKAHORI / TAKAGAWA vs. HAYASHIDA / TATSUMI part2中堀・高川(NTT西日本広島)vs.林田・巽(高体連-高田商)ゲームカウント1-0中堀・高川リードでむかえた第二ゲーム。

2009/11/14 RammaエビオスジョーVSふくしくん・挿入アスカ乱プレー 1/2
2009年11月14日 BKC学祭1日目イレルハラマラス・ラッシャーK村VS華奢~ん・須田☆自称鬱☆章太郎DWA同志社プロレス同盟公式サイトdwaofficial.p1.bindsite.jp