10 Creepy things said by John Malkovich
Saturday Night Lives 10 Creepiest things said by John Malkovich, Rate and tell all friends if you get a few kicks out of this!

Alice Coltrane "Blue Nile" (1970)
From the 1970 album "Ptah, the El Daoud" en.wikipedia.org Alice Coltrane — harp, piano Joe Henderson — alto flute, tenor saxophone Pharoah Sanders — alto flute, tenor saxophone, bells Ron Carter — bass Ben Riley — drums This was Coltrane's first album with horns (aside from one track on A Monastic Trio (1968), on which Pharoah Sanders had played bass clarinet). Sanders is recorded on the right channel and Joe Henderson on the left channel throughout. All the compositions were written by Coltrane. The title track is named for the Egyptian god Ptah, "the El Daoud" meaning "the beloved". "Turiya", according to the liner notes, "was defined by Alice as 'a state of consciousness — the high state of Nirvana, the goal of human life", while "Ramakrishna" is named after the 19th-century Bengali religious figure; this track omits the horns. The origin of the title of "Blue Nile" is self-explanatory, Coltrane switches from piano to harp, and Sanders and Henderson from tenor saxophones to alto flutes. "Mantra" returns to piano and saxes.

New The Hobbit Trailer & Ninja Gaiden Z, PS3 Slim Announced! - IGN Daily Fix 09.19.12
Hello fixers! On today's episode; PS3 Slim Revealed, New Vita titles and Ninja Gaiden Z announced, Soul Sacrifice delayed, and a new Hobbit Trailer! PS3 Slim: www.ign.com Vita: www.ign.com Soul sacrifice: www.ign.com Ninja gaiden z:www.ign.com Dark souls:www.ign.com The Hobbit: www.ign.com

恋色鉛筆(サンプル)スパイスガール - 秦みずほ
動画配信サイト「スカモビ!」のサンプル動画です。 桜坂学園を舞台に繰り広げられる学園恋愛ドラマ。女子校生の胸キュンな一日を、人気アイドル達の一人芝居で映像化。 [スパイスガール - 秦みずほ] 嵐の転校生秦みずほ。平和なオレの日常を一瞬で吹き飛ばしやがった。初めて会った時からアイツのペースに巻き込まれて、もう踏んだり蹴ったり。頑張れオレ。 ※本編はこちらカラ→skyvision.mobi

「維新は言った事を必ずやります!」維新応援団長 堺屋太一
2012年9月12日、大阪維新の会が国政政党「日本維新の会」結成を正式に宣言した政治資金パーティーでの堺屋太一先生のスピーチの模様です。 <関連動画> ★橋下徹 「日本維新の会」結党宣言【完全版】 www.youtube.com ★日本維新の会PV www.youtube.com <関連WEBサイト> ★大阪維新の会 公式HP oneosaka.jp ★チャンネル運営者Facebookページwww.facebook.com