京都産業大学映画研究部の「古河達樹」の初監督作品。 何もない、平凡な毎日を送る少女は、ある日不思議な若いカメラマンと出会う。ひたむきな心に彼等は惹かれあってゆく。愛と夢に生きる二人の姿を美しく描く、忘れかけていたロマン漂うハートフル・ストーリー。 2010年度学祭で上映した純愛映画です。感動のラストシーン。また、NGカットを盛り込んだエンドロールも併せてお楽しみください。

Doncaster warehouse tribute video
In 1992 I left Mining to become a full time Dj apart from my producing I also ran one of Europe's top nightclubs The BYO (Bring your own drink) It didn't have a drinks license so along with rave culture there was other ways to have a good night and get wrecked.. In this video which is actually 4 hour long cut down, you will see how some of the people enjoyed the best music in rave culture. Some people will never see these days and some will have lived them so I dedicate this to you and the friends gained and lost through good and bad times. enjoy... If you was there say your shout outs as you would have wanted... If you have lost friends maybe you can add a tribute. If you want to put a bad comment have some respect and keep it for your self.. This video is surely about the good times... Its about Peace & Love Track list UPDATE 3. 0:00 ??? ID 1:52 Static Substance - Ghetto People 2:10 Mukkaa - Buruchacca 3:10 Zeony Lee Experience - Love Energy 6:03 Area 51 - Let It Move You 8:48 P.Lion - Burn In His Hands 9:10 Bizarre Inc - Playing with Knives 9:45 Blue Pearl - Feel The Passion 11:00 Rhythm Quest - Closer to all your dreams 11:19 Catch - The Cough 11:52 Digital Domain - I Need Relief 13:34 Next - High Volume 13:45 Rotterdam Termination Source - Poing 14:43 DJ Edge-Compnded • Credit to nippadj

おっさん二人でゴールデンアックス。ごぶ(ギリウス)、むぎ(ティリス)。 懐かしいなあ、XBLAでオンライン協力プレイです、ボイチャでだべりながら。 若き日はワンコイン余裕だったのに、家庭用だと気が緩んで死にまくりw リベンジしまっす。

Part 8 - Chapter 40 - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain
Part 8, Chapter 40: Three Years Later. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by John Greenman. Playlist for A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain: www.youtube.com

第57回全日本剣道選手権大会決勝 内村x高橋 ダイジェスト
延長開始から内村選手の面が決まるまでのダイジェ スト映像です。 第57回全日本剣道選手権大会 決勝平成21年(2009年)11月03日(祝) 日本武道館 東京都千代田区57th All Japan Kendo Championship 2009.3.Nov at Nihon Budokan Final 内村 - 高橋Uchimura - Takahashi 内村選手の面Uchimura's Men