日常生活で使われる山形弁を分かりやすく解説します。 制作:東北芸術工科大学映像学科2年生 制作:東北芸術工科大学・映像学科制作スタッフ:映像学科2年B組2班野坂望美、大塚勇人、佐々木柔美、 大沼幸加、根本翼、宍戸万莉協力スタッフ:高橋和成キャスト:秋場秀夫、秋場繁子、森繁哉、岡達也、村上祥子、佐々木里奈、加藤拓人
Richard Reid & Underwear Bomber Hypocrisy, Cheney on Iraq - Midweek Politics with David Pakman
Check Out Their Website - www.midweekpolitics.com Follow On Facebook - www.facebook.com In explaining the difference in reactions from trying shoebomber Robert Reid in the US during the Bush administration and the underwear bomber in the US now, Newt Gingrich resorts to lying that Richard Reid was an American citizen, and Monica Crowley that there simply were no military tribunals in 2001. In what can only be described as a fantasy world, Dick Cheney criticizes Barack Obama and Joe Biden for trying to take credit from Bush and Cheney for the miraculous, incredible success that is the war in Iraq. Broadcast on February 17, 2010 Midweek Politics with David Pakman is a nationally syndicated talk radio and program.
AKB48「Beginner」まるパクリ!メキシコのアイドル【 LFI 】
スタジオライブ版曲のタイトルは「あなたの目にシャンプーを」だそうです。 このグループについての詳細blog.livedoor.jp AKB48 SKE48 NMB48 AKB SKE NMB