

From designer Lavocnin have demanded to increase range of fighter La-5. The designer has decided cardinally to change an airplane design. "Duraluminium crisis" has ended in the USSR Therefore Lavocnin has decided to deliver a metal primary structure instead of the wooden. The facilitated airplane contained more fuel. Deterioration of flight performances were not Aerodynamics have improved a glider design. And airplane outlines became prompt and pure. New airplane La-7 has learnt. It reached speeds of 680 kilometres per hour. On this parametre it became the best airplane in the Second World War. The arms, a motor and a control system have not changed. But the control system should be reworked. On the sample of German airplanes. The automatic system is necessary. The German system was very convenient. It was possible to operate all parametres of the engine by means of one lever. Pilots La had to do to eight consecutive movements. In transient to fight it very much not udobno.La-7 was a little more religiously to errors in control than La-5. Especially on take-off and landing. So equipment layout was inconvenient. Defect of all airplanes of type La, bad ventilation remained and with the seven. The temperature in a cabin reached 50 degrees of Celsius. All it complicated hard cockpit work of a fighter. But on a complex of flight and fighting data, La-7 became one of the best a front fighter of the Second World War. The pilot felt as in a fortress. Speed, survivability, high ...
A dormir mañana seguro que tempranito como a la 7 arriba que lo pario .

@verenajakob ahh merde :/ nous sa passe ce soir sur TF1 !!! Mais c'est une vielle saison, je croit c'est la 5 alors que j'en suis a la 7

Debes ir a tu clase de las 7, debes ir a tu clase de la 7... Repítelo mil veces Cor! :)

y todavia no entiendo qe hace esta chama dspierta cn dolor de cabeza y qe se tiene q levantar a la 7.#Eq'unoe'masoquista.

Si, llevo desde la 7, y?

@panque08 @ManueelOrozco @jose_armandmira yo esa pedí poque dije mas de alguno jajaja vos manuel la 9 y yo la 7 va

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