Formula 1 comes to America! - Red Bull Racing takes first lap in Texas

Formula 1 comes to America! - Red Bull Racing takes first lap in Texas

Saddle up as the Red Bull Racing team and the F1 showcar gets chased by cowboys on the ranch and goes off-road onto the under-construction Circuit of the Americas track. The F1 Circuit of the Americas takes place in Austin, Texas on November 18, 2012. Hose off and drive over to
@Shiftmanblues @ronnie_f1 @reena_dave In 1 word, lurgyfied :-(. You ok?

RT @LorenLeonOviedo: RT @LorenLeonOviedo: Un #FF para unos alonsistas de cine,twifossis e integrantes de la #FamiliaAlonso,si hay noticias de F1,ellos te las ...

WowwwRT @884globalradio: #SportHighlight Tinggalkan F1, Schumacher Bakal Beralih ke Balap Kuda #GlobalOnTheWay

Felipe Massa renova com a Ferrari... É por essas q eu não assisto mais F1.


@f1__fanboy Well… he had the same car as his team-mate… ;-)

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