Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher in 'Just Married'

Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher in 'Just Married'

For more info visit: Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher in 'Just Married'
RT @book4quotes: RT @book4quotes: “Old enough to know better, pissed enough not to care" - Sherrilyn Kenyon.

More MJ impersonators. We need to test Brittany

@_Brittany_Gade @maddiemae023 @liampayne4ever3 that's a great idea!! Ill buy the tickets then :) x

My mom said I was going to be Angelica but she was too drugged up and told the nurse Brittany Nicole haha

RT @louis_th0ught: RT @louis_th0ught: you say louis tomlinson but what you really mean is fabulous fashionable adorable and better than your existence

Boys are too damn complicated. #single #behappy #havefun #dontcare

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