Old Western Harbour Amsterdam (8.14.12 - Day 775)

Old Western Harbour Amsterdam (8.14.12 - Day 775)

A little ride, some views over the IJ, boats, warehouses and graffiti. All of that in Amsterdam, of course! Daily videos in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Belgium for over 750 consecutive days! Thumb up, share, favorite and comment this video - it's free! [Ø] Share on Twitter: clicktotweet.com [Ø] Our address is: AmsterdamVideo.com Postbus 67047 1060 JA Amsterdam The Netherlands [Ø] AmsterdamVideo on Facebook: facebook.com [Ø] Show your love! Show AmsterdamVideo! shop.amsterdamvideo.com Just for the record: DailyVLOG Carnager 2012-08-14 Day775 VLOG Daily Video Log Blog ビデオブログ 2012年8月14日 amsterdam videolog videoblog netherlands holland Nederland travel shaytards ctfxc "video blog" "Video Blogging" car ride water ij river canal boats harbour marina port warehouse graffiti
南陽慧忠(なんよう えちゅう、675年 - 775年)は、中国の唐代中期の禅僧。禅宗の六祖慧能の直弟子である。

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