Felix Baumgartner jumping from edge of space (Highest freefall world record)

Felix Baumgartner jumping from edge of space (Highest freefall world record)

Headcam video here adf.ly Check website also :) Follow us on twitter twitter.com www.facebook.com After two failed attempts foiled by weather for his space jump, "Fearless" Felix Baumgartner Sunday broke a record in a 23-mile free fall jump from the edge of space, watched by millions on the Red Bull Stratos live stream video.
Maaaaan! I miss all the Seniors... Specially The ones from tennis .

RT @seoulbeats: RT @seoulbeats: SB Exchange #27: The Epik Exchange - Although Epik High debuted in 2003, the hip hop trio's extended hiatus from 200... ...

Off from the rain to the sunshine today hopefully! Y viva Espagna :)

#Styling Lounge featuring @JoelleMardinian starts today until 30 October from 10am-1pm and 3pm-8pm in #Bahrain (via @MODA_Mall) #beauty

@henrywinter from the pictures it looks like butland deserves a lot of credit for his actions! Definitely a captain in the making!!

if I am separated from you I'll have trouble finding a replacement than you.... Katanyaaa bgtu #justsaying

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