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Kai Ken Exhibition 2008 -JM class

Kai Ken Exhibition 2008 -JM class

甲斐愛護会展覧会Kai Ken Aigokai Exhibition in Yamanashi, Japan on October 26th, 2008. This video is of the juvenile male class. Lots of snarling and bared teeth with so many intact males in one ring. The eventual winner was bred and shown by a friend of mine, and is the dog at the end of the clip. Take a look at my blog for more Kai nihonken.blogspot.com
@Elly_Kai is fucked up, als jij je kidss bescherm ken je 8 ja of meer, wie bescherm ze dan tege pedo die vrij blijf

Oh iya? Ah yang boong(?) RT"@Agent_Hyeri: Kalo kai oppa yg ngedance ring ding dong jd merinding *bayangin* RT @Agent_EXOkaii: Merinding ken

@kai_tantan フェイスブックに書いとくよ!

@antaniasun mei you shi jian ken ni kai wan xiao (⌣̯̀⌣́)

@_flooooo oh oke ik ben vriend van kai en hidde en ken fleur ook wel.

@TP_KaiEXO @TP_LuhanEXO @AG_JiyoungKARA @AG_MinMissA @Tp_MinnHyukCNB aish.. *tarik ken Kai.. teguk lagi...

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